Thareen Lowbeds supplies Lowbed and Specialized Transportation Services in Southern Africa.
Some of these Specialized Transport Services include: Excavator Transport; Dozer Transport; Dumper Truck Transport; ADT Transport; Drilling Rig Transport; Grader Transport; Abnormal Steel Structure Transport; Mobile Crusher Transport; Mobile Screen Transport; Mobile Crane Transport; Silo Transport and any Abnormal Transport.
We believe in fast, dynamic, efficient and personalized service to all our clients.
Proper planning of round trip loads ensures our company can give our clients the best rates and service.
We are absolutely dedicated to customer service, reliability and building a reputation as a trustworthy company.
We have R1.5 million Goods In Transit Insurance on a first loss basis. We travel all over South Africa and to all neighbouring countries.
Thareen is a B-BBEE level 3 company.
Call us for an obligation free quotation on any lowbed/abnormal/specialized transportation work
Load request can be mailed to email...
Thareen Office can be contacted from Monday to Friday 7h00 to 17h00 at (076)463-9990
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