Health Care Institution
"Vitebsk Regional Clinical Specialized Center".
There is the full range of modern achievements of medical science in the treatment of patients,.
1. Consultations of medical specialist (proctologists, phlebologists, surgeons, gynecologists)
2. Complete diagnostic examination of the large intestine diseases
3. Treatment of hemorrhoids, polyps, fissures, coccygeal passages, fistulas, etc. with the use of laser beam and new medical technologies
4. Laparoscopic surgeries for colostomy closure, rectal prolapse, left-sided hemicolectomy, inguinal hernia, hernia of the esophageal aperture of the diaphragm
5. Endoscopic removal of gastric and intestinal polyps.
6. Treatment of varicose veins, including those complicated by trophic ulcers with the use of laser beam technology, endoscopic methods (without skin incisions, through punctures).
7. Sclerotherapy: microsclerotherapy of reticular veins and telangiectasias; endosopic foam sclerotherapy of varicose veins; foam sclerotherapy of varicose veins under ultrasound control
8. Treatment of any gynecologic pathology, including:
- laparoscopic surgeries for tubal infertility, genital endometriosis, uterine myoma, polycystic ovary syndrome
- pelvic floor surgery using synthetic implants for genital prolapse, stress urinary incontinence in women, rectocele and rectal dysfunction
- hysteroscopic surgeries for polyps, uterine myoma, uterine and endometrial skenechia
- traditional laparotomy for benign tumors of the uterus and ovaries of any size
9. Our center has begun work on mastering the methods of obesity correction by laparoscopic method. Bariatric surgery is the only effective method of treatment of morbid obesity and the most effective method of treatment of the main components of metabolic syndrome.
Indications for bariatric surgery are BMI>40 kg/m2,
and in persons with BMI=35 kg/m2, in the presence of accompanying diseases and in the ineffectiveness of pharmacologic treatment.
Types of bariatric operations
1) operations that limit the volume of food intake - restrictive operations:
- gastric banding
- intragastric balloon placement
- longitudinal resection of the stomach
- gastroplication
2) operations aimed at reducing the area of absorption in the intestine, or malabsorptive:
- jejunocolonic bypass and jejunoileocolonic bypass currently are of historical interest only.
3) Combined:
- mini-gastric bypass
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
-biliopancreatic bypass with a single duodenoiljeoanastomosis (SADI modification).
Telephone numbers for reference:
Tabunov A.A. - surgeon - +375(212) 48-15-14
Skomoroshchenko V.A. - surgeon - +375(212) 48-15-17.
10. All types of ultrasonic diagnostics, CT diagnostics.
Contacts: Viber +375(29)-850-01-45
Paid services - +375(212) 48-16-23
Proctology Department - +375(212)48-14-40, +375(212) 48-14-41
Surgical Department - +375(212) 48-15-18, +375(212) 48-15-14
Endoscopy Department - +375(212) 48-14-77, +375(212) 48-14-78
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