My naam is Buddy ek is n opregte kb biro reuntjie gebore 11/03/2023 ek is reeds 6 wekies oud.
Gespuit, ontwurm en registreer ek kom saam my eie geskenkpakkie ek kan op 6 Mei verhuis as ek 8 wekies is
Category - Pets
Sub Category - Dogs and Puppies
Intention - For Sale
Price Option - Set Price
Price per animal - Yes
Price - R4500
Region - Gauteng
City - Carletonville
Contact Daphne for more information.
Important pet information! We care about the wellbeing of all the pets on Junk Mail. Find out more about our Pet Policy here.
Dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and more - we transport them all.
Get your pet transported to your door from anywhere in SA!
Wise Move is the Top Pet Transport Provider.
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