Pub Club & Grub To Let / Rent Near the N4 Highway in Mooinooi. The Pub comes with furniture, equipments & machines such Car Wash as pool snooker table, 7 fridges, sit in chairs and tables, 45” TV with DSTV and more!
As many as 51 200 vehicles passes daily on the N4 highway, going up to 18 600 000 passing a year. While the main road to the Pub receives N4 off-ramp and R104 as up to 20 000 to 34 000 vehicles daily with 3000 to 5000 pedestrians per day
The Pub is just minutes away from Mooinooi Shopping Complex, Keya Rona Mall & Sun City. “Ice Cube Pub & Grub” on google maps. 0698032637view more
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