A Child's Book Of Stories - Best-Known And Best-Loved Tales From Around The World.
Children's Classics.
1. Aladdin.
2. The Babes In The Wood.
3. Beauty and the Beast.
4. Blue Beard.
5. The Boy Who Cried "Wolf'.
6. The Brave Little Tailor.
7. The Brave Tin Soldier.
8. The Cat And The Mouse.
9. Cinderella Or The Little Glass Slipper.
10. The Crow And The Pitcher.
11. Diamonds And Toads.
12. Dick Whittington And His Cat.
13. The Dog And His Image.
14. The Elves And The Shoemaker.
15. The Enchanted Hind.
16. The Field Mouse And The Town Mouse.
17. The Fir Tree.
18. The Fool-Hardy Frogs And The Stork.
19. The Fox And The Grapes.
20. The Fox And The Little Red Hen.
21. The Fox As Herdsman.
22. The Fox And The Rabbit.
23. The Gingerbread Man.
24. The Golden Goose.
25. Goldilocks Or The Three Bears.
26. The Goose-Girl.
27. Hansel And Grettel.
28. Hans In Luck.
29. Henny-Penny.
30. Hercules And The Wagoner.
31. The History Of The Five Little Pigs.
32. The History Of Little Golden Hood.
33. How Jack Went To Seek His Fortune.
34. I Don't Care.
35. Jack And The Bean-Stalk.
36. Jack And The Giant Killer.
37. The Lambikin.
38. Lazy Jack.
39. The Lion And The Mouse.
40. The Lion In His Den.
41. The Little Red Hen And The Grain Of Wheat.
42. Little Thumb.
43. Little Totty.
44. The Magic Swan.
45. The Magpie's Nest.
46. Mr. Miacca.
47. The Nose.
48. The Old Women And Her Pig.
49. One, Two, Three.
50. The Pancake.
51. The Princess On The Glass Hill.
52. Puss In Boots Or The Master Cat.
53. The Rugamuffins.
54. Red Riding Hood.
55. Rumpelstiltzkin Or The Miller's Daughter.
56. The Selfish Sparrow And The Houseless Crows.
57. The Six Comrades.
58. The Sleeping Beauty In the Wood.
59. Snowdrop.
60. Snow-White And Rose-Red.
61. AND More....
Second-hand book.
Hardback with dustcover.
21 CM.
463 Pages.
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REF: 5731.
Kids Stories.
Young Adult Reading.
Best Known Tales.
Best Loved Tales.
Books For Children To Read.
Read Stories For Your Children.
Classic Stories.
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