Jabu (43), looking for a domestic job ,3-5 days a week, Live in / sleep out job.


Hi, I am JABU (Jabulile Mkhize , aged 43. I have 7 yrs of experience as a domestic worker. I am reliable , dependable, and diligent to my work.

I am confident that, given a chance, I will make sure that I do my utmost to provide excellent result to the best of my ability.

Contactable and traceable refs are available. I am patient, active, dedicated and diligent to my work.
Kindly contact me on 0823477601view more. I would appreciate your call.

Thank you

  • Category: Jobs - Job Seekers
  • Payment: R 3 200.00 - R 3 400.00
  • Payment Schedule: Per Month
  • Region: KwaZulu-Natal - Pietermartizburg
  • Posted: > 1 month ago
  • Ad Type: Owner
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