Hi, my name is NOKUPHIWA CELE. I am 24 years old. I am looking for job. I have a good experience the job positions I mentioned above. I dedicate myself and commit myself to any kind of work given to me to do.
I have worked for:
- Cashbuild...........as a Merchandiser....................2 years
- KFC( Dube Village Mall) ....... as a Runner ........ 2 years
- McDonalds (Bridge City) ......... Waitress .............1 year
I am well-experienced in this field and enjoy doing any of these job positions.
I am also a helping hand in different sections of the department since I am a fast learner, a hard-worker, and a positive thinker.
I love my job, and am to do it with follow or supervision.
my contact number is 0656377397view more
I am ready to start soon.
Thank you
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