Car has been stripped body not repairable
Engine R9000
Gearbox R2000
Computer Box R1500
Brake Booster R150
Steering Rack R200
Hatch Back with Rear Glass R 250
Rear Hubs R150 each
Wiper motor R 200
Wiper arms R50
Fuel Tank R 150
Carpet R100
Batery Plate R 100
Left hand tail Light R100
Back bumper (black) R250
Bumper brackets R 50
Radiator water bottle R50
Back windows R50
Dash R50
Shocks R 200 each
Plastic covers R 10 each
Exhaust complete R500
Steel rims R100 each
Door rubbers R30 each
NOTE That the headlights, seats, Doors And Door panels and boot Spoiler has been sold.
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