Explore our extensive selection of new and used parts for Jeep, Dodge, and Chrysler. We stock body parts, oil coolers, throttle bodies, service parts, brakes, and much more. If you can name it, we've got it. If it's not on our shelves, we'll do our utmost to source it for you.
For more information or part inquiries, call us at 010 035 3425view more or WhatsApp our team on;
Richaan - 072 024 2839view more;
Aubrey - 063 799 0613view more;
Solly - 079 909 9674view more
We are located at 203A High Road, Bredell, in Kempton Park.
Our operating hours are from 8 am to 5 pm on Mondays to Fridays and then 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays.
Check out our website: www.kalaharijeepspares.co.za. 🌐
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