Winter Clearance Sale
Once off Deal Now @ R899000.00.
Classic 230 Wet Deck 2023 model on galvanized trailer double axle 14 inch mags spare wheel brakes trailer guide poles.
325 HP Suzuki 4 stroke 2023 model V6 Dual propeller drive by wire MFG gauge 3 year factory warranty on motor.
Hydraulic steering Garmin striker 4 fish finder with built in gps Tower with tower speakers Fusion sound system with Blue tooth Amp Sub.
Canopy boat cover with under felt heavy duty for towing with straps.
Eva decking bilge pump 91 liter built in fuel tank deck lights switch panel
navigation lights drink holders ski hatch battery buoyancy and certificate.
Finance arranged through Wesbank, Absa and Standard bank
Trade ins welcome
Local and nation wide delivery arranged 24/7
Shipping Arranged Worldwide
Zero Rating on Vessels
Exporters code for Shipping
We park and sell on behalf
Pravesh 0738937303view more Whats App OR Messenger
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