Are you learning how to play a new musical instrument? Speed up the process by setting goals and learning from your favourite musicians. With regular practice, you’ll be playing popular songs in no time. With a diverse range of musical instruments for sale on Junk Mail, it’s easy to find what you’re looking for.
Photo credit: Karim MANJRA on Unsplash
1. Select the right musical instrument
Before you put the effort into learning to play a musical instrument make sure that you’ve picked the right one. You can also get creative with turntables and microphones so don’t limit yourself to traditional instruments when you’re deciding. Picking an instrument that you enjoy playing is vital to your success.
The initial stages of learning a new instrument can be frustrating so it will be easier to stay focused and motivated if you love the instrument. Experiment with different musical instruments first to see which one gets you the most excited. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
2. Create a practice area
Set up a quiet practice area that’s free from distractions. Put everything you need for your practice session in this space. With everything set up and within easy reach, there will be no delays when you set aside time to learn your new instrument. If your instrument is in a communal area, try and schedule your practice time when nobody else is likely to be around to distract you. Another option is to use a practice room at a nearby music school.
3. Define your goals
Speed up your progress by defining your goals right from the start. While you may have big dreams, start by setting a real-life goal that’s easy to achieve. Knowing what you are trying to accomplish will help to keep you motivated. Share your goals with someone else to help keep you on track. You’ll feel more accountable if someone else knows what you’re working towards.
Once you’ve defined what your goals are, you can set up a practice schedule that will enable you to accomplish them. For maximum impact, schedule your practice sessions at the same time every day so that you get into the habit of playing your instrument regularly. Thirty-minute practice sessions three days a week are a great starting point.
Photo credit: Caleb George on Unsplash
4. Learn from the masters
Get inspired by listening to the music videos of famous people who have mastered the instrument you’re learning to play. Their skill levels will be way above yours, which will inspire you to practice harder. Include videos of modern musicians who incorporate the latest techniques into their performances. You can even find technical videos online that include close-up demonstrations on how to master different techniques.
5. Take care of your musical instrument
If you want to get the best performance out of your musical instrument, make sure that you take good care of it. Learn how to tune it otherwise no matter how hard you practice, nothing you play will sound right. Free apps make it easy to keep your instrument in tune. For more complex instruments, you may need to get help from a professional. Clean your instrument after each practice session and put it back in its protective case.
6. Have fun
End each practice session with something that you enjoy. Play your favourite song or listen to a fun music video. Spending time with other musicians can also make learning a new instrument more enjoyable. Set up a jam session where you can play your instrument while getting inspiration from other musicians.
Pick up a musical instrument today and start practicing. There’s no time like the present to start learning how to play. Don’t own an instrument yet? Find affordable musical instruments for sale on Junk Mail.